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Describing the nighttime bower of the Queen of the Fairies:
I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,
Where oxlips and the nodding violet grows,
Quite overcanopied with luscious woodbine,
With sweet musk-roses, and with eglantine:
There sleeps Titania sometime of the night,
Lulled in these flowers with dances and delight
William Shakespeare



A spell for summoning the fairies

Sit where the cat sits.
Cross your toes.
Close your eyes.
And smell a rose.
Then say under your breath:
"I believe in fairies,
sure as death."
Gadflykins! Gladtrypins!
Gutterpuss and Cass!
Come to me fairily
Each lad and lass!

~~From "Lady Cottington's Pressed Fairy Book"~~




When the first baby laughed for the first time,
The laugh broke into a thousand pieces,
and they all went skipping about,
and that was the beginning of fairies"~ Sir James M. Barrie


A Midsummer Night's Dream
Original Art, Coyright by Jeffery K Bedrick

Over hill, over dale,
Thorough bush, thorough brier,
Over park, over pale,
Thorough flood, thorough fire:
I do wander everywhere,
Swifter than the moones sphere;
And I serve the fairy queen,
To dew her orbs upon the green.
The cowslips tall her pensioners be;
In their gold coats spots you see;
Those be rubies, fairy favours,
In those freckles live their savours.
William Shakespeare (A Midsummer Nights Dream)


By the moone we sport and play,With the night begins our day;As we daunce, the dew doth fall;Trip it little urchins all,
Lightly as the little Bee,Two by two and three by three:
And about go wee, and about go wee ~ Wm. Shakespear


Thomas Croker (1789-1854) in his collection of Irish Fairy Tales, described fairies as being
"a few inches high, airy and almost transparent in body; so delicate in their form that a dew drop, when they chance to dance on it, trembles, indeed, but never breaks."

