Table of Elements
adapted from DJ Conway's fabulous book Celtic Magic
Rulers:Sylphs, Zephyrs and Fairies who inhabit the world of trees, flowers, winds, breezes,
and mountains.The color for this is eitherred or yellow. The direction is East.
Rulers: Gnomes, Dwarfs and Trolls who inhabit the interior of the Earth.
Cord magic is important. The colors are black or green. The direction is North. Stones
gems and minerals are important here too.
Rulers: Salamanders, Firedrakes, flames
Colors are white or red and the direction is south.Incense, candles, flames are important.
Rulers: Nymphs, Undines, Merrow Folk
Colors are grey or blue direction is West. Water, mirrors and the sea are important.

Stone Magic - Colors
White: spiritual guidance, direction to the right paths, calming, center. Example: Quart
Red: courage, energy. Example: Garnet, Red Agate
Pink: healing, true love, friendship. Example: rose quartz
Yellow: power of the mind, creativity, sudden change. Example: citrine, topaz, amber.
Orange: chane luck, poer. Example: Carnelian
Blue: Harmony, journeys Example: lapis lazuli
Green: marriage, balance, relationships, practical creativity. Example: Jade
Brown: Earth Elementals, success, common sense. Example: tigereye
Black: binding, defense from dark magic, spell reversal Example: Jet, Onyx, Obsidian
Purple: break bad luck, protectoin Example: amethyst, quarts
Indigo: discovering past lives, karmic balance Example: turquoise
Other stones of value; pyrite, moonstone, rock crystal, magnet
Info found on the web and in the book Celtic Magic by D.J. Conway
