Centuries ago we were too curious for our own good. As is human nature, we held
too strongly to our wonder. And, as is human nature, we insisted upon trying to imprison a wild and magnificent beauty. Little
did we know of the end result.
Quietly, soldiers stalked the mystical creature through his Majesties wood. Although
the unicorn is all knowing in the ways of Love and companionship, they know little of the evil men will do. On and on went
their venture and finally, coming upon a crystal waterfall, the unicorn stopped to drink. The soldiers, seizing this opportunity,
threw nets and lariats about her. She would willingly have accompanied them if they would have shown her compassion in place
of greed. They forced her along the path from which they had just traveled to their village. There she was placed in a cage
for viewing.
She had never before felt sorrow, nor had tears ever wet her eyes. The thoughts which formed in her mind
were not as beautiful as they were before the unfortunate transformation began. Once, all her thoughts were pure and innocent,
but now that Man had betrayed her, Evil crept into the remnants of her broken heart.
Deception was new to her. The
unicorn was uncertain as to how she could seek revenge against this inferior species. "Men are foolish in matters of the
Heart," she thought, " he knows nothing of the powers I hold."
And so, as the moon slowly rose, she unlatched her prison
door with a touch from her gleaming horn, and left unseen by any man. Man knows not of the pain he causes. He is constantly
in search of the beauty he lost; beauty he shall never again find. For man has scarred the unicorn throughout all eternity
and because of this she appears to an elite few. These are generally the innocent, the true of heart, and those willing to
have faith in Magic. Brandi Ulrich Amunrud

There was once a delicate young child,
Gabrielle, the second born of three daughters. She was by far more beautiful than her older or younger sister. It was because
of this and she was cherished by their father that her sisters hated her. Although to any guest or passerby the sisters envy
was obvious, young Gabrielle was oblivious and blinded by Love.
It was at a time of great many changes that Gabrielles
mother passed on. Her mothers suffering put the house under a great deal of stress. As Gabrielle was a kind and gentle miss,
she was by her mothers side until the end. While the rest of her family looked on, Gabrielle held her mother as she took her
last breath. Soon after, Gabrielles father became bitter over all he had lost. He did not give his children a second thought
when he stormed out of their home early one morning, never to return.
The well to do spinster from around the bend
took pity on the orphaned youngsters. This woman took to Gabrielles sisters quickly, but was full of jealous rage towards
Gabrielle. As she was a spinster, she was a bitter angry woman. She was displeasing in face and despised those more appealing
to the eye. Late one evening, not far into their arrangement, after Gabrielle had retired, the Spinster and Gabrielles sisters
devised a plan to keep her from growing in beauty. Knowing Gabrielles kind and gentle ways, they were certain that she would
be at their every beckoning.
Early the next morning, Brawnwynn, the oldest sister, cried, Gabrielle! Come at once!
Upon hearing this Gabrielle ran to her sisters bed chamber. There she found Branwynn, lazily watching herself in a mirror.
Yes Sister? Why have you called for me?
The elder smiled cunningly toward Gabrielle and admitted, Sister, you are
the best seamstress in all of the village. Tailor for me a gown, a gown with an extravagant bodice of gems and the lustrous
eyes from a peacocks plumage. Tailor it for me in a fashion and color that will most flatter me. And, dear Sister, do it by
the morrow.
With a worried frown Gabrielle thought of all her daily chores and of the time consuming dress making.
There would never be enough time! But, wanting to appease her sister after all they had been through, Gabrielle quickly took
Branwynns measurements and bade her fare well.
Cheerfully, Gabrielle walked the path through the forest which lay
between home and the village. She sang to the larks and lo, if they werent shamed by her voice. The sound of her song drew
the attention of an assortment of mysterious forest dwellers. Gabrielles father had oft told her tales of unicorns and harpies,
faeries and demons, spirits and elves, and most wondrous, fauns and centaurs. Never had she envisioned herself to meet with
any of them! Fauns and centaurs were oft times described as being savages. The beautiful creatures in front of her could be
nothing but peaceful, although intimidating. The fauns masculine chest heaved as he sighed, and his golden fur covered flanks
rippled as he walked. Gabrielle slowed her pace but continued her song, for that, she reasoned, was what had drawn these creatures
to her. Gabrielle has also heard of their mystical ways and was so intrigued that she soon had come to rest in a small clearing.
The faun, half man, half goat, gracefully walked toward her. Panic caught in Gabrielles throat, but she stayed, entranced
by this beast. As he reached her, there appeared in his hands a lyre. He began to play a woe filled melody as he joined her
in voice. When their song had faded the faun spoke.
Child of Man, what is it you seek? None other can call upon us
by song.
Bewildered by these words, Gabrielle searched her thoughts for what she sought. Thinking only of the work
to be done, she quickly said, Sir, I seek only to please my family, and with that hastened into the village. The forest dwellers
watched her departure and all secretly hoped to see her again.
Gabrielle entered the village. She bought the gems from
the lapidary and found a modest old peddler from which she bought the peacock plumage. She returned home without word from
her new found friends. She quickly cleaned their home to retire to her bed chamber to begin her sisters gown. Her fingers
flew as she fashioned a brilliant gown of emerald green. All through the night and into the dawn she worked with agile hands.
When Gabrielle had finally finished, she had perhaps designed the most magnificent gown any eyes had ever beheld. When she
presented it to Branwynn she was faint from exhaustion. Branwynn tore the gown from Gabrielles hands with out so much as a
kind greeting. As Gabrielle was about to retire for a morning nap , she heard Gabrielle! Come at once! She rushed to her younger
sister Morrighans chamber to see to her needs.
Sister, why do you beckon me? she inquired.
Gabrielle, you are
the finest baker in all of the village. I crave a cobbler of the freshest strawberries. Go quickly for the morn is now lost.
Once again Gabrielles beautiful face was troubled. She was so tired and still had a full day of chores ahead of her.
But, wanting to appease her sister after all they had been through, she agreed and bade her farewell.
Cheerfully, Gabrielle
walked the path through the forest which lay between home and the village. She sang to the larks and lo, if they werent shamed
by her voice. Again her song drew the attention of the extraordinary forest creatures. Again the faun came to her, and again
played his lyre and lifted his voice with hers. When their song had faded the faun spoke.
Child of Man, what is it
you seek? None other can call upon us by song.
Again, Gabrielle searched her thoughts. Thinking only of her family,
she quickly said, Sir, I seek only to please my family And once again hastened into the village. The forest creatures again
watched her depart, waiting for a chance to see her again.
At the village market place Gabrielle searched for only
the freshest strawberries she could find. She bought them and quickly returned home without word from her new forest friends.
Gabrielle quickly cleaned their home. After being chastised by the spinster for her laziness, Gabrielle ran to the
kitchens. She worked tirelessly to prepare the cobbler her young sister desired. Gabrielle carried the still steaming cobbler
to Morrighans door. Morrighan tore the cobbler from Gabrielles hands and shut the door in her face, without so much as one
kind word. Gratefully, Gabrielle retired to her bed chamber until the morn. When she awoke she heard, Gabrielle! Come at once!
from Spinster Rhianons bed chamber. As fast as her feet would carry her, Gabrielle hastened to the lady.
Maam, what
may I do for you? she asked.
Turning because she hated the sight of such beauty, Spinster Rhianon replied, Gabrielle,
you are a kind, gentle, and wise young woman. You will be the best negotiator of the village. Fetch next weeks food supply
for no more that what you are given in spending money. Go quickly and do not let me down!
Again, Gabrielles brow furrowed
with concern. This was not her usual task. Nor was she ever given money! But, wanting to appease their savior, Gabrielle agreed
and bade the spinster farewell.
Cheerfully, Gabrielle walked the path through the forest which lay between home and
the village. She sang to the larks and , lo, if they werent shamed by her voice. As before, on this, her third trip, the forest
creatures were drawn to Gabrielles melancholy song. The faun again joined her with lyre and voice. When their song had faded,
the unicorn, the centaur, the elves and faeries came forward. The faun spoke.
Gabrielle, Child of Man, we know what
you seek. In the village there shall be a noble man. He will make for you a good life. Bewildered by what he had said,
she pressed him further. Sir! Do tell of what man you speak.
Between Gabrielles visits in the forest, the good creatures
there had discovered the source of Gabrielles unhappiness. Through magic they had prepared to send Gabrielle her hearts desire,
even if it meant they could no longer behold her beauty.
The faun wore an amused smile. Dear sweet child. He is the
man you have pined for as many a day in a year. He will Love you now, as before. Confused, Gabrielle turned to ask the
faun more, but he and the others were gone.
Slowly, Gabrielle walked to the village market place. There upon a fine
mount, sat her father.
Brandi Ulrich Amunrud